4 Nutrient Dense Potato Salads

Colored potato salad? Potato salad is a summertime staple. But it was an unstaple in my kitchen. Until I made it with color. Sweet potato. Red potato. Purple potato. Regular potato. I like using purple potatoes. As with all vegetables, more color means more antioxidants and phytochemicals. And also sweet potatoes which are in the superfood category because of their nutrient-density.

4 Nutrient Dense Coleslaws

Did you know cabbage has antiviral and antibacterial properties that strengthen your immune system and help protect your brain? Finely shred cabbage and toss into coleslaw in different combinations is a crunchy, munchy, delightfully delicious, nutritious fun way to enjoy it.

Té de Cumpleaños

Teatime was a daily event in my growing up years. As Bolivia has joined the fast pace of other nations, daily teatime is fading into the past. But Té de Cumpleaños, tea parties for birthday celebrations, are still tradition. As we take our seats around the table that once was in my great-grandparents’ house, my heart overflows with happiness at this gathering of beloved extended family, and with thankfulness for the food on the table.

Color My Salad

Eating seasonally means summertime is a true feast for our tables and palates. Summer brings a lovely abundance of vegetables and fruits into my kitchen creating marvelous possibilities for fresh, vibrant and ah yes, colorful salad! Full of heart-healthy, cancer fighting, cell-building ingredients, eating salads regularly is one of the best ways to stay healthy. They offer abundant array of vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, minerals and phytochemicals in every bite.

What’s the Catch?

Fish are beneficial to the brain and heart. Fish is part of my dinner rotation at least once a week. But did you know eating fish is risky for for our health and for the planet? Contamination (primarily caused by mercury and PCBs) can override the nutritional benefits of eating fish. And formerly abundant fish are disappearing from the oceans.

Finding My Way

When I think about eating, I trust ancestral nutrition. When I think about cooking I get visions of colorful, flavorful, delicious nutrient-dense food floating in my head. Step into my kitchen where eating colorful foods as close to their natural state is a way of life.

Eating for a Healthy Brain

A healthy diet can reduce risk of brain stroke by reducing cholesterol and blood pressure while also improving blood flow and antioxidant capacity. Increasing evidence indicates a healthy diet could also help prevent Alzheimer’s. Regular intake of fiber and antioxidant-rich foods is the best prevention against brain disease.

Food: The Most Powerful Weapon against Disease

The most powerful weapon against disease is the food we choose to eat every day. By eating differently we can boost our immune system, reduce the need for pharmaceutical drugs and reverse deaths from heart disease, cancer and diabetes, generate health and a sense of physical and mental wellbeing.

Seeds of this Blog

Does food affect our brain? How does what we eat affect our health? Those questions are the seeds that have grown the content of this blog. They're the cornerstone of my eating lifestyle and why I cook the way I do. I wish I knew in 2008 what I now know. And I’m keenly motivated to share what I’ve learned hoping it may help others.