Why I Try to Avoid GMOs

Increasing evidence connects GMOs with health problems and environmental damage. GMOs were primarily engineered to withstand direct application of herbicides. They don't offer increased yield, drought tolerance, enhanced nutrition, or any other consumer benefit. More than 60 countries have significant restrictions or outright bans on the production and sale of GMOs.
Homemade oatmeal with berries for breakfast

Real Food for Breakfast Matters

The right breakfast gives us energy, recharges our brain and body to be more efficient and sets the stage for smart decisions all day. Making breakfast a routine for children paves the way for healthy eating habits as they grow up, lowering risks for major diseases down the road.

I Choose Real Food

The simplest way to make wise food choices is to return to real foods. Real foods are those that we have been eating for most of human history. They are traditional, It’s become not just necessary, but vitally important to learn where our food comes from and to make educated choices about what we eat.

Improve Health by Reducing Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation causes disease. When our bodies are constantly bombarded with processed foods, sugar, too much animal products, stress and no exercise, our immune system shifts out of balance and inflammation begins to rage in our cells and tissues. Changing what we eat can reduce inflammation in our bodies which will reduce disease risks.

Just a Spoonful of Sugar

Sugar itself is not bad. What is hazardous to our health is the quantity. The recommended maximum amount of sugar is 6 teaspoons a day for women and 9 teaspoons for men. But Americans are consuming an average of 30 teaspoons per day, adding up to 3 pounds of sugar per week and 130 pounds of sugar per year.

Give Me Berries!

Berries are one of nature’s most nutrient-dense foods. I try to get berries into our meals regularly because heart health, mental health, anti-aging and anti-cancer benefits added to which, they taste delicious!

Good Fats for Healthy Living

Good fats are necessary for health. So what are good fats? Essential fatty acids: omega-3s and omega-6s in equal balance. Good sources of essential fatty acids are those that come from nature: avocados, nuts, seeds, extra-virgin olive oil, flaxseed, fatty fish, grass-fed beef and butter and pastured eggs.
Meet the beans!

For the Health of Our Children

It’s been demonstrated that when children eat more vegetables, they have fewer infections. The same healthy diet that protects against the flu also protects against many cancers, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, asthma and other diseases Foods eaten in childhood can have long-lasting – even permanent – effects on how the body grows and wards off disease.
Meet the beans!

Eat More Beans

Beans are protein-rich superfoods, high in antioxidants, phytonutrients (plant chemicals essential to our immune system) and fiber and can help with disease prevention such as heart disease, diabetes and possibly even cancer.