January Dinner Party for 50

This menu was crafted for 50 people. I plan dinner party menus to have food for both omnivores and vegans and challenge myself to put as many plant foods into one meal knowing it will make it colorful, delicious and nutritious. This menu has EIGHTEEN marvelous plant-foods!

A Southwestern-flavored Saturday Night

The poblano pepper and corn give this meal a Southwestern flavor. To go with the Southwestern theme, I made an Avocado Mousse and served it with blue corn tortilla chips as an appetizer.


Valentine’s Preschool Play Date

Celebrate Valentine's with nature's red foods! Watermelon, grapes and beets are the stars of the show for this playdate. So many ways to celebrate love and  friendship through special food, decorations and activities without fructose corn syrup and excess sugar.

Valentine’s Brunch

Valentine colors galore enthusiastically supplied by Mother Nature! Fun to eat and loaded with 10 different fruits and vegetables.

Easter Fruit Cookie

Fruit on a cookie, so fun to make!The first time my mini-chef…