Reclaim Your Energy Tip #2: Balance Your Blood Sugar

Your body works hard to have a precise amount of blood sugar at all times. This is vital for energy production and balance. It’s also critical for mood, cognitive function and brain health. What you eat significantly impacts your blood sugar.

Reclaim Your Energy Tip #1

Do you wake up tired? Do you feel exhausted before dinner?  Did you know that food can sap or re-charge your energy?  What we eat and how we eat has a direct connection to feeling physically vibrant and emotionally balanced. Check out these simple tips that can help you reclaim your energy.

7 Nutrient-Dense Meatball Recipes

I love the harmony of flavors in these recipes, plant-rich with garlic, onions, fresh herbs, Swiss chard in one, zucchini in another, quinoa, bell peppers and even pineapple. They are power-packed with micronutrients: essential vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals vital for health.

4 Nutrient-Dense Pork Tenderloin Recipes + Leftover Meals

Roasted pork tenderloin makes a nutritious, delicious anchor dinner that can be re-invented multiple ways. Pork loin is a rich source of vitamins B1, B3, B6, minerals zinc, selenium, phosophorus, and potassium. Make a double recipe and re-invent into another meal later in the week.

Organic or Not?

Eating a diversity of vegetables and fruits provides nutrients vital for our body. Choosing organic produce is not only better for our health, it’s also better for farm workers and for the environment. Less than one-third of adults in the US gets the recommended amount, the rates are even lower for teens. It's important to know what to buy organic and which are okay to consume non-organic.

Nutrient Dense Foods

Nutrient-dense foods have the highest ratio of nutrients per calorie. Nutrients come from vitamins, minerals, fibers and phytochemicals (naturally occurring plant chemicals). Eating large quantities of nutrient-dense foods leads to optimal health. The most nutrient dense foods come from plants. A wide variety of these plant foods is the most beneficial as they each provide unique health benefits.

5 Nutrient Dense Broccoli Recipes

Our bodies are programmed to fight off infection and cancer. The immune system is like a protective force field. All vegetables contain protective micronutrients that fuel that force field. Cruciferous vegetables are twice as powerful as other plant foods. Eat more broccoli and boost your health.

Nut-Crusted Fish Fridays

Here are 5 delicious, nutritious, simple and elegant ways to honor "fish Fridays" during Lent. The traditions of fasting and abstaining from certain foods are ancient ones practiced by many religions. A nutrient-dense beautiful harmony of texture and flavor these nut crusted recipes are some of my all time favorite fish recipes.

Hydrate for Health’s Sake!

Did you know water is the most common nutritional deficiency in the U.S? Mild to moderate dehydration can impair performance short-term memory, arithmetic ability, visuomotor tracking and psychomotor skills. Chronic dehydration can cause joint pain, migraines, colitis.