9 Nutritious Ways to Reuse Meatloaf

Sustainably-sourced meat is rich in nutrients. Meatloaf is an opportunity to make it more nutrient-dense by adding vegetables (onion, chopped mushrooms, shredded carrot or zucchini), legumes (lentils, black beans), herbs (cilantro, parsley, basil etc.) and spices (cumin, turmeric, paprika and more).

What is Functional Nutritional Therapy?

Functional Nutritional Therapy is a new name for a timeless concept. Humans have used nutrition for millennia to maintain health and vitality. It supports the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual through real food and by connecting to the innate wisdom of our own body to support wellness.

7 Delicious, Nutritious Gluten-Free Breakfasts

Taking flour out of breakfast is one of the best things we can do for our health. Here are tempting additions to your breakfast repertoire: flourless muffins, quinoa breakfast bowls, chia puddings and huevos ranchero casserole, yum!

Delicious, Nutritious Valentine’s Dinner

A luscious, whole foods, nutrient-dense Valentine's dinner that will delight the senses - the sight, the aroma, the flavor, eating pleasure and satisfaction. Loaded with 14 plant-foods, who knew Valentine's could be so healthy?

Fiber for Health’s Sake!

Did you know that fiber is a critical nutrient? That people who eat the most high-fiber foods are the healthiest? Fiber aids our body in absorbing nutrients, controls the rate of digestion, lowers cholesterol, feeds the healthy bacteria in our gut and "sweeps" out toxins and waste from our body.

Phytochemicals for Health’s Sake!

Plant foods (fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, nuts) are loaded with phytochemicals. These micronutrients are non-vitamin, non-mineral components of foods that support the defensive and self-reparative abilities of the human body. They boost our immune system and protect us from disease.

Minerals for Health’s Sake!

Did you know 1/3 of women in the US will be diagnosed with osteoporosis? Minerals compose only 4% of our body, but they are essential for our physical and mental health. We need them for structural and functional support, tissue growth, nerve conduction, muscle contraction and so much more.

MICROnutrients for Health Sake!

Micronutrient deficiency is increasingly showing up as a major underlying driver of chronic disease. Every detail of every function of every part (cell, tissue, organ and system) of our body requires nutrients –not just the energy supplied by macronutrients (protein, fat and carbs).  These micronutrients include vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.

Macronutrients for Health’s Sake!

Macronutrients are the nutrients we need in big (“macro”) quantities: carbs, fats, and protein. Each of these play a number of vital roles in constructing and fueling our bodies.  For optimal health, we need balanced diet of high-quality carbs, fats and protein.